Sunday, January 9, 2011

A World Without FACEBOOK...

Have you ever wondered of a world where facebook doesn't exist? Well, truthfully speaking, even I haven't. But it's not hard to imagine. You can let your imagination FLY!
Whenever I have a doubt in studies or in the syllabus, I just post a status and all my friends help me clear the doubt. If facebook wasn't there, I would've to call and
ask each and everyone of my friends for the same thing. We're so addicted to facebook these days that we don't even remember what time it is. Facebook is on our mobile
so that we can access it while we're travelling. I always 'facebook' while I'm in the traffic...time passes by so soon and easily. Yes, FACEBOOK is now a verb, just
like google is. You might've heard someone say 'Don't worry...just Google it!', but these days you will hear people say 'My name is Shrish...Facebook me!'.
Gone are the days when friendship used to start when we used to meet someone. These days we become friends on facebook first, talk on the phone next and then we meet.
I have a lot of friends on facebook with whom I chat and talk, but I've never ever met them.
Basically, in a world where facebook doesn't exist you'd see people scribbling on other people's walls, writing quotes and what they're doing on their own walls, et cetera.
People will have so much free time in that world that they'll get super-bored with their lives and consider suicide (I'm totally against the idea of suicide myself). In that world
we wouldn't get to watch a superb movie named 'The Social Network'.
So, do you wanna live in a world where facebook doesn't exist? I don't!


  1. I can't imagine a life without fb too.
    And I agree with the thing that nowadays, we meet friends on fb first and later in person.
