Saturday, March 12, 2011 it the end of the world?

A decade has passed since when we began wondering if the world would end in 2012. Many of us still ask each other, "Do you believe that the world would end in 2012, eh?" And, believe me – It is a HOT topic of discussion! Put up a status on Facebook about 2012 and you surely would get hundreds of comments.

The recent happenings make us more positive of the fact that the world would end in 2012. For instance…the earthquake which rocked Japan on 11th March. It was bloody 8.9 magnitude! Did you guys see the news videos? It was like watching 2012(the movie)! The island of Japan got displaced by 2.5 meters due west because of the Tsunami. This is what’s going to happen in 2012…Earth Crust Displacement! This has happened before. An apocalyptic crust displacement took place and it wiped out the most dangerous predators of that time, i.e., the Dinosaurs. And that happened before the Stone Age so man has no written records of it. It is believed to happen soon enough now, seeing the rising frequency of earthquakes and Tsunamis. And, this time the world’s most abundant and most dangerous predator or animal is the man. The Humans. The Homosapiens. Us.

No balls of fire will fall from the sky, no aliens will invade and attack us, no hydrogen bomb will explode, but the nature will take its revenge. Massive earthquakes, those which will make the Japan earthquake look like a chariot race on a bumpy road, will unleash. They will trigger tsunami. And, we poor humans won’t be able to do anything. No concrete arcs will be made by the Chinese (like those in the movie).

If an earthquake manages to explode 4-5 nuclear power plants of a country, it will take down half the continent down with itself. Now that’s apocalyptic!

Now don’t get me wrong that I want to die on 21.12.2012, it’s not like that. It’s better to face the truth than to be oblivious of it. There will be survivors for sure…mother earth isn’t that cruel! It will teach a lesson to humanity. The humans have been polluting the earth right to its core. I just hope that we all do our bit to avoid such a disaster.

And be cautious for New Delhi is situated on the world’s most unstable tectonic plate. It’s over the merging point of two plates. This is the reason why you don’t see any skyscraper in the city of New Delhi – the soil and the plate just can’t support that much weight. According to scientists the natural frequency of the plate of New Delhi is a bit lower as compared to other regions of India. If an earthquake of 6.5-7.5 strikes the city, I’m very sorry to say that the city won’t survive!

Make the most of the last year of your lives.

I won’t say have a good day, but I will say DO YOUR BIT TO SAVE THE EARTH!